What thickness of sports flooring is suitable for pico courts
Nov 06, 2024Q: What thickness of sports flooring is suitable for pico courts
A: For pique courts, we recommend a 4.5mm thick sports floor.
Because this thickness of flooring can not only provide excellent performance and sports experience, but also can ensure enough strength and stability at the same time, give the ball a good rebound effect.
And when the players in such a venue for pique ball sports, 4.5mm thick sports floor can also effectively reduce the players in the movement of the impact brought about by the effective reduction of the risk of injury.
At the same time, a good ball rebound effect can also help in the athletes to enhance the competitive nature of the game, so that players can better play their own technical level.
In addition, the 4.5mm thickness of the floor in the durability and maintenance of the outstanding performance, it can withstand frequent use and a variety of climatic conditions of the test, and can also maintain good condition.
Based on the above, we can conclude that 4.5mm thick sports flooring is ideal for pique courts.
Add : No.5 Huaqing Intelligent Park, Huishan District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
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